Friday, March 27, 2009

Scum City Ep.19 - The Cheese Stands Alone!

R-I-P Clyde VanDyke

Scum City recently said farewell to one of it's finest bags of scum, and also said hello to a few new interesting characters...

The unnaturally tanned Craven Moorehead is the new strong arm in town having bullied, blasted, or banged all opposition. In a city without a mayor or police who can stop this malevolent mastermind?

Craven Moorehead and "The Frenchman"

Say hello to Clyde VanDyke's ex-wife Beverly Vandyke

The tallest bounty hunter ever to enter into Scum City.

Perhaps the Creepiest addition to the City... The Creepy Moorehead twins

R-I-P Chip Brickowski

Join us this Monday for the next exciting episode of Soap Scum Presents...Scum City.
Same scummy time...same scummy station.

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