Dot returned from a long drug induced haze on the Freaky Deaky World to find a lot had changed, including her feelings for Prof. Smith.
Dot had a dream in which she smelled her true love, but having never smelt before, she was unable to identify the mystery man. Dot decided to order a real nose from her friend and fence Raisin Redwarf.
Spook and Dot caught up and dished.
Talya and Spook set out to find and procure Baking Powder from a colony of Avonian Pyramid Schemers. En route they were suddenly ambushed by the Dreaded Amoah-Gyampohzians Baking Powder Pirates.
Dot downloaded her emotions to the robot Milk 2.0, who went on a mad rampage aboard the Metoroid.
Left adrift without oxygen Talya was only able to survive by sucking oxygen from Spook’s lungs.
After being taken out of spacestatiatus, Buff, in full zombie form and under the control of Milk 2.0, was sent to kill the space quest team.
Dot confronted Prof. Smith about her change of heart, telling him he didn't make her happy, and that they are no longer an item.
The power of friendship between Buff and former 'Evil Genuis' Milk Starflinger prevailed when Buff was faced with the concept of having to kill Starflinger or the evil robot Milk 2.0.
Buff smashed Milk 2.0.
Talya admitted that she and Spook Scronked. She put in a official complaint against Spook for sexual harassment.
Spook’s Riga-Mort matured causing his shambling nature to over take him, eventually biting the professors brain, again.
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