Friday, January 25, 2008

At Death's Door

Professor Smith began to feel the effects of his zombie bite as the crew searched for their shuttle, while marooned in the caves of the Freaky Deaky world.

In their search the team encountered a Replicant of Milk Starflinger know as Milk 2.0, apparently abandoned on the planet’s surface many years before, by the former evil genius.

In their haste to return the quickly zombifying Prof. Smith to the Meteoroid, Milk abandoned Talya, Spook and Dot on the surface of the world.

In the cramped quarters of the shuttle Buff was bitten by the Zombie Prof. Smith and slowly began turning into zombie also.

Once aboard the Meteoroid Milk was able to beam Talya and Spook back home along with a sample of the planet’s flora, but Dot still remained unaccounted for.

Talya and Milk discovered that there was only enough zombie bite antidote for one, and had a heated disagreement over which of their companions should get it.

Milk 2.0 attempted to convince Milk to take up his previous plan’s for galactic domination, this time by cloning the Zombie Buff, and creating an army of Super Theapes!

Talya incapacitated Buff and placed him in Cryostasis Spacestasis to keep him, fresh until he could be cured and gave Prof. Smith the antidote.

Prof. Smith, collaborating with the computer, determined that making enough antidote to save Buff was possible only after they were able to produce enough baking powder, the antidote’s key ingredient.

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